Sore Losers who Seethe with Rage

Sore Losers who Seethe with Rage

Paul Thomas2013-10-05 The leaders of America and Iran are talking to each other for the first time since 1979, but US domestic politics remain mired in communication breakdown. Obviously we can’t attach too much significance to the contact between Barack Obama and...
Santorum: A Word for all Sorts of Nastiness

Santorum: A Word for all Sorts of Nastiness

Paul Thomas2012-02-25 You’d think that if you googled “santorum”, you’d be inundated with stuff about Rick Santorum, the US religious right’s flavour of the month now being touted as a serious contender to be the Republican Party’s candidate in this year’s...
Death on Demand

Death on Demand

Paul Thomas2012-01-01 PROLOGUE WARREN GREYTOWN THIRTEEN YEARS AGO   Females had always found him hard to resist. When he was small, his aunts and cousins cooed and fussed over him, telling him how gorgeous he was. His older sister was like a second mother: she...
Mid Life Crisis in Land of the Free

Mid Life Crisis in Land of the Free

Paul Thomas2010-09-04 Observing American politics these days is a bit like watching an old family friend go through a mid-life identity crisis: he’s dumped his wife for a pole-dancer, become a Buddhist, and got himself a tattoo and a ponytail. You wonder: what next?...